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Know where you are. before you light your next cigarette. workplace smoking areas are fast. disappearing as companies throughout the. united states modify. smoking regulations it's a matter of. health. cost savings and respect for the rights. of individual employees. sorry about that. at the upjohn company management's. continuing effort to provide. a safe and healthy work environment has. resulted in revised smoking practices. the new policy will be implemented in. two phases. the basic principle behind the new. restrictions is that smoking will only. be. permitted in nonhazardous designated. areas which allow for. reasonable separation between smokers. and nonsmokers. the old policy prohibited smoking in. laboratories. production and manufacturing locations. designated areas in cafeterias. snack bars lounges and foyers and other.

Places determined by management as. nonsmoking areas. the first phase of the new practices. implemented july 1. 1986 continues those restrictions. and further ban smoking in conference. rooms specific restrooms and their. lounges. auditoriums during meetings lasting less. than half a day. and company vehicles when a nonsmoker. is present. or the vehicle is designated as a. nonsmoking area. individual health and the rights of all. employees were prime considerations in. the development of the new practices. studies have long indicated the adverse. effect on one's. own health for smokers absenteeism and. accident rates are significantly higher. for smokers than for nonsmokers. as is utilization of health care. delivery plans. the majority of home office employees. some 70. do not smoke and many are concerned. about the effects of passive smoking.

The indirect inhalation of tobacco smoke. present in the air. several studies have suggested that. passive smoking may result in diminished. lung function. and may increase the risk of lung cancer. and death due to coronary heart disease. after october first smoking will be. permitted only in designated sections of. cafeterias. lunchrooms snack bars and lobbies. certain specified restrooms and lounges. entrance foyers and outdoor locations if. not designated nonsmoking. smoking will be allowed in auditoriums. if a meeting is going to last more than. half a day. and if reasonable separation can be. maintained between smokers and. nonsmokers. smoking in individual offices will not. be allowed. the new practices reflect a nationwide. trend towards smoking restrictions. and the attitude of the majority of u.s. adults. a recent gallup poll indicated that 75.

Of all adults 62 percent of current. smokers. 85 percent of nonsmokers and 78 percent. of former smokers. agree that smokers should refrain from. smoking in the presence of nonsmokers. and 79 percent of adults including 76. percent of current smokers. said companies should limit smoking to. certain assigned areas. to assist employees in adjusting to the. new practices. the upjohn company will offer smoking. cessation classes for the next 12 months. information and counseling are available. through occupational. health and safety it may help employees. defeat a habit now prohibited in the. majority of company locations. a hot summer day a perfect time for a. cool treat. on this day in this flint meyer thrifty. acres customers enjoyed just such a. treat. watermelon courtesy of the asgro seed. company. as part of a unique marketing effort.

Asgrow conducted watermelon taste tests. this summer. at meijer's stores in flint and. kalamazoo and how did this one meet your. expectations was it. good okay thank you so much the. watermelon variety used for the taste. test. was asgrow's mirage melon which was. easily identified by. shoppers because it carried a special. sticker the purpose of the sticker. was to establish brand identity with the. end consumer and the purpose of the. taste test was to gather some. information. that we could use in the marketing chain. for supermarket managers brokers. shippers and last but by no means least. the growers. to collings knowledge the mirage project. is the most extensive asgrow effort to. market a product. directly to consumers it's a unique. project for asgrow because we've never. attempted to gain the acceptance of a.

Product by the end consumer before we've. gained it. from the grower it can be very hard to. establish a new product with a grower. and we feel that by doing this project. it will help him. it will help to gain acceptance of the. product at all levels. from grower right through the chain. produced at an asgrow facility in chile. and elsewhere around the globe. mirage seed has been sold in the united. states for four years. mirage melons offer consumers and stores. shippers and growers obvious advantages. over such competitors. as the familiar charleston gray variety. from the consumer first of all the. advantages would be excellent flavor. made up of high sugar content and good. texture. a very very attractive color which is. important for watermelon. for the supermarket manager a very fine. shape that he can divide.

And cut and make attractive displays. for the shipper it's an excellent melon. that. ships over long distances without. breaking or damaging. and for the grower it's got an excellent. yield. results of the taste tests were quite. positive consumers expressed a strong. preference for melons with the. characteristics of the mirage. and as hoped interest generated by the. project is working its way through the. marketing chain. the results have been remarkable uh from. this project. so far and if i can quote one quick. example the broker or one of the brokers. that we dealt with in florida has asked. us to supply. all the seed that we have available from. our 1986 crop for the 1987 planting. remarkable reaction with success already. apparent. the mirage concept is sprouting. elsewhere cowling says. similar projects are already in the.

Works for other asgrow plant varieties. we came we saw we partied. the kalamazoo up john centennial. celebration proved to be a big success. more than 15 000 employees retirees and. guests. came to the hilton over a 19night. period in may. and june for up john's birthday party. work crews put in long hours assembling. the complicated setup for the upjohn. program. and when it was done the hilton was. transformed into a banner filled. festival. guests sampled food from five. international buffets. after dinner and drinks the crowds moved. upstairs for a special performance by. the kalamazoo symphony. including a piece entitled celebration. by composer c. curtis smith commissioned by upjohn in. honor of the centennial. in between three centennial slide. programs members of up john senior. management. summed up the spirit of the company's.

100th anniversary. this is our 100th anniversary. as a business and as a vital contributor. to the health and wellbeing of people. around the world this century of. business growth. and scientific progress is an. achievement. in which you and all upjohn employees. may take. pride without the dedicated. performance of you and your predecessors. it would not have been possible. it was an evening to celebrate and as. the chairman noted. employees were the evening's focus. upjohn employees showed they weren't too. shy to have a good time when video. cameras turned their way. to the tune of kalamazoo one of four. songs written for use at the celebration. let's take a look at some people caught. by up john's candid camera. a salute to the employees who keep the. quality. up well there's a pretty little city. near the great lakes.

Just a threehour drive from detroit or. chicago that's. all it. you know it's takes as famous as. timbuktu. get your voices in gear let me hear. everybody. oh. the hub is now in gear a new. communication center. located in the welltraveled center. hallway of the downtown research complex. the hub was officially open for business. at a recent ribboncutting ceremony. now as i cut the ribbon for the hub here. i would like to. dedicate this to better communication. and to all of the employees of pr d and. other units that. live down here in uh research. and together with me cutting the ribbon. is ward name. who is responsible ultimately for the. execution of this thing. so warren you and i together will set. the rhythm okay. there we go. the hub features small conference rooms. meeting areas. computer equipment designed for walkup.

Use video monitors. and an electronic news display it's. designed to provide research employees. a place to conduct informal discussions. meet with outside vendors. or take a quick turn on a computer. terminal. want to know what's new meet me at the. hub. you may remember when irene ryan better. known as granny clampett from the. beverly hillbillies. was used to help promote up john's. cherical d. cough syrup in 1968. that was then. and this is now. now when the company uses celebrity. representatives a spoonful of. information is added to help the. medicine go down. i now have an opportunity to go around. the country on behalf of the up joint. company to uh. on an educational tour to let people out. there know that there are. new alternatives to pain that those who. are sufferers the chronic. 100 million people who suffer from as.

You had mentioned before. back ache headache and arthritic pain. don't necessarily have to. suffer needlessly anymore rocky blyer. took a lot of hits on the football. field and has a unique understanding of. pain. he has hit the talk show road the past. two years under up john's sponsorship. to talk about pain and what can be done. to overcome it. he's not alone racquetball champion lynn. adams has rheumatoid arthritis. and is another effective upjohn. representative. i was 19 when i started playing. racquetball and i was concerned that my. arthritis would affect my athletics. but my doctor put me on a program of. medication that helped relieve the pain. and the swelling. and told me that with discipline i could. continue to compete. and help control the disease like blyer. adams has represented up john on media. tours the past two years.

Helping create product awareness through. health education. athletes are not the only ones telling. their stories. i was playing in a club and during the. first set. my fingers got so sore that i can hardly. finish. the first thing that came to my mind was. that this is the end it's all over for. me. and a few days later it got so bad that. i finally had to go to my doctor. it was in my shoulders in my knees and. unfortunately in my fingers. but i was very lucky because i was able. to get to my doctor before it had. progressed and he gave me. some nonstrenuous exercises to limber. up the joints. and also some medications to help. control the pain. by emphasizing information as well as. promotion. upjohn seeks to enhance its reputation. as a company. that cares. don't let the deadline for the annual. employee news services photo contest.

sneak up on you. get snapping entries must be received by. september 1st. for contest rules and entry forms. contact employee news. at 49503. you

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