QBCore - Enabling Tx Admin Menu + Small Overview of Features

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All right so today I'll be showing you. how to enable TX admins admin menu what. you want to do first is start up your. server and while that's starting up go. ahead and log into TX admin. once you're in two exam and go to the. settings tab and we're going to go over. to menu. where from here we're going to enable. the menu. and align right just means when you're. in the menu in game it'll be on the. right side I have it to know so it'll. appear on the left the page switch key. is the key you use to navigate through. the menu by default it's Tab and this. can interfere with the inventory so. whoever has permissions to use the menu. when they press tab it'll open the. inventory in the menu and to get out of. it you hit escape and everything closes. so just change it to something that. won't interfere with that. when you have your settings the way you.

Want them to be just make sure you hit. save and you'll need to restart the. server for the change to take effect. before you do that over here in the. admin managers where you can add people. who have permission to the menu you just. fill everything out and do all that and. then we're going to go ahead and restart. the server. once you're in the server you can type. CX to open the menu of course here you. can no clip go into god mode and if you. want to get out of that just go back to. normal mode you can teleport to a. waypoint or chords if you put them in. and then teleport back is just wherever. you were before you teleport in we can. go ahead and spawn a car in I'll spot in. the. Adder you can fix cars and then delete. them. and then you can heal yourself or. everyone in the server as well as send. an announcements so we'll do.

test. you can also reset the world area. into the radius. and toggle player IDs in the next tab. you have the players where you can see. where the worn kick band. and you have any notes about them you. have the IDS as well as their license. Discord stuff the history and then it's. where you ban them. in the last tab you basically have. what's on the TX admin web the dashboard. and stuff like that. if you want to do some of the menu stuff. without having to go into the menu every. time you can go to the key buttons and. the settings go to 5m. and go down to the TX admin settings so. exit spectate mode you can change this. key to what you want open the main page. open player page and no clip IDs stuff. like that just to make it easier

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