Meryn Trant?

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The hell you're doing. practicing what ways to die no one's. gonna kill me. guillotine on sarong like that that's no. way to fight it's not fighting its water. dancing dancing maybe I ought to put on. a dress who taught you that shite the. greatest swordsman who ever lived. Syrio Forel the first sword to the. Sealord of Braavos. ahead little bastard with it. what do you know about anything about. his hairs grease Leland Joffrey's . it was not dead yes oh he was killed who. by Meryn Trant. that's what's a marinade Meryn Trant the. greatest swordsman who ever lived killed. by Meryn Trant any boy [ __ ]. with a sword could beat three Meryn. where the swords were never lived in. have a sword all right you have a sword. I see what he taught you go on do it for. your Braavosi friend dad like all the. rest of your friends.

your friends dead and Meryn trant's not. cause Trant had armor and a big . sword. you

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