HP Wolf Security: A New Breed of Endpoint Security | Security | HP

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Knock knock. who's there it's your old friend the. wolf. a lot has happened since we last spoke. mom's home. dad's home little russell's home hey. russ that's enough for today. i need my computer to finish up some. more mom. and they have no idea that i've already. invited myself. in ah rookie mistake should have used. the omega defense shield kid. should be outside playing ball anyway. housebound kids like my friend russell. here are getting in a lot of screen time. lately. hackers have taken notice the more time. they spend on mom or dad's work laptop. bigger targets they become unprotected. machines like this one are ripe for. random fishing attacks. just like the fake email i'm about to. send young russell. all it takes is just one click. before you know it i've worked myself. right on the porter family network. oh the fortune companies spend on fancy.

Network protection. for their offices is of little use if no. one is there. if mom's company had given her the hp. elite dragonfly with wolf security. my attack would be dead on arrival guys. dinner's ready. right on cue. looks like i'll be staying for dinner. let's regroup on monday and have the. rest of the team join us later on in the. week when we have things buttoned up. working from home has its pros but also. has its cons. one being the threat of cyber attack on. machines like that beauty over there. if alice had an hp printer with wolf. enterprise security. it would have stopped me in my tracks. printers like these. make for the perfect hiding place on the. network all i have to do is wait here. until alice points me to my next target. got it i'll get it out to the team right. now. that's right come to papa.

Oh look it's alice from hr nothing. suspicious there. just like everyone else who got her. email mr cto just fell for my alice. impersonation. a guy like me giving the keys to the. kingdom. what's the worst that could happen. this place used to be the picture of. commerce but now that everybody's. working from home. it's a ghost town. four little do they know one of their. colleagues just blasted out filed the. entire company without realizing yours. truly was hiding inside. now that i'm in it's time to have some. fun who's first. hey jerry from finance. and just like that i've bricked every. employee's device rendering each of. their computers and tablets useless. let's check in on the it team see how. they're handling the news shall we. oh it's not again what now. another virtual happy hour. oops i must have left them off my list.

These poor folks no advanced ai tools to. identify incoming threats. no realtime data evaluation without a. partner to help them think it all. through. they're left to fend for themselves my. computer just crashed and i can't get a. hold of anyone at the office. what am i supposed to do the deadline is. tonight paul. okay i may or may not have also shut off. the phones in the office. because why not why do you think i'm. calling. i need you to get down to the office and. fix this. if that had hp wolf security services ai. would have snipped out my attack before. it snuck in through the back door. just ask little russell one bad click. and it can all come crashing down. as if the world wasn't a scary enough. place already don't forget the bad guys. are also working from home. or isn't the time you had security that.

does too. little boxes on the hillside little box. is made of ticky tacky little boxes on. the hillside. little box says. you

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