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Hello everyone, Marcelo Lisboa welcome to another video here on the channel. a video of ganesha Gold guys guys asked a lot here on the channel it's a fivechannel slot. guys have a lot of questions I want to see here what we can do in this type of maslote slot. from PG right And you who are not yet subscribed here on the channel Take advantage now and subscribe below Leave. that like on the video and don't forget guys share this video with the community. of players that will certainly help many other players tips that we are going to give here. I want to send a shout out here to Luiz who is from the Reis lote channel Thank you very much Luis. He also made a request here to play this lot he has a group of players too so. he is in my mentorship With Absolutely prayed for sure, man I have a pleasure here to send this.

Salve here it's a guy who is doing extraordinary work beauty his channel is the slot king. he's starting the channel over there but he's a very 10 guy so if the guys already subscribe to the channel he's. there too to give that strength and we're together ok let's leave here little bench of 341 that bench. I was at ortoni Tiger ganesha Gold let's leave of ganesha Gold let's check here one. two three four five skate figure here Probably have to falling three escarter slot. always with five channels needs three escarter and let's analyze here what are the combinations and. lines of combinations of these stores so here my beth here she starts at Beth of 30 is minimum. because I'm playing in Portugal I go do the following I'm going to start at Beta 60 which would be. the same as Beth from Brazil I'll leave the link to the house I'm playing today here too ok.

So let's go up Beta 60 5 rounds here let's go ok combination of Uai the day here. Oops let's go let's analyze this first Beth here right Remembering that the plan of these. personal lot is longer than a threechannel slot saw here a short plan slot. I believe but that her plan is longer for a slot of three channels then I. have no doubt about it so five rounds over here what we did nothing gave a hold here right. Let's do the following let's jump here on bett 90 okay a Beth a little higher. here and let's do more five rounds around here, look good 90 paid Beth So let's count. here wonderful let's see if she gets a bonus right away that would be the luck factor, right it can. happen right away to take an entrance and get a bonus three stairs is enough to open it. then the bonus let's go for another round here a third round here and a fourth.

I've already done a little more beauty and let's go to our fifth round bett 90 pure retention let's. go up a little bit here our Beth here for 1:20 Wonderful battery that the good bet of this. slot here I'm going to talk soon guys it's betimpar and it starts with 30 betboard would be here o bet150 but. I'm going to do a 1.20 first to analyze for us to do a bank management ok. and let's see if we do a warp sequence here or something cool in 20 let's see how. our 2020 Beth works here let's see if we get a bonus along the way here it might. happen to get a good one here along the way right away would be ideal, right? But normally you. will analyze something in the fivechannel slot, people are always threatening the trolley because it is enough. to have two Discards in a channel, it will have three channels for my sai, right, so for the.

People there who are a little more anxious, there is that anxiety so don't worry too much about the. Skater issue because when he has to fall, he will fall, you don't get that. anxiety there, it's threatening the bonus, it's threatening the bonus here, it's a game format to induce. people to that, if they're anxious. well then, when you have to combine a bonus in the slot of. 100 each, the three will fall at once or the four, the five lines fills everything so there's no need to. run now from six channels it's different, the thing changes the figure so we have to analyze between. channel 135 because it has six there it's called Premonition reading beauty good Beth of 1.20. here already gave what it had to give right threatened everywhere I'm going to leave here for a move to. a bankroll I have a bankroll of 300 something so you can make the best Bet of this.

Slot that would be this one for the bankroll for a lower play, you will understand why That is, it would be. the multiplier five five times three 15 five times 30 1.50 five times the value of the minimum bet. Okay, so the 50 and what would be the best Bet of this slot here to play in a Betinho. would be the Beth of 3 but I don't have the bankroll for that because the Beth of 3 would be 10 times the value of the bet. minimum so learn this tip here which is a very important tip for everyone to learn we're. at 50 she's doing a good distribution here we'll get it right away she's five times oops it's already a. big gain over here excellent excellent she's five times the Minimum bet value that's why. I do my math When I open a slot I know I've had for many years. celebrate stop is one thing if she's betinho goes it's another celebete 25 50 she goes up every 25 in 25 this one.

Goes up 30 out of 30 got it just confirm here if it goes up 30 30 60 90 2 10 it has betboa 2 and 40. and there bet3 here look this is it Guys this is the way it's a slot that can be played. here let's imagine 60 1 and 21 and 20 would be a 12 a pair the good thing would be to do it here scaled and stop. here at the Beth of 1.50 but for those who have a bankroll of 100 you can't make the bett 250 guys because because. it pulls a lot you have 100 rounds at a time best of 1.50 you would need r$. 150 right so if she doesn't open a bonus there is a danger you catch a moment of retention. no danger let's return a little bit to check if she continues in this same process. we will analyze later we will have that messing with Beth isn't worth fixing yet,. right. ? damn. right let's give it back beauty while she has this more or less average over here guys.

Ok you see that you lose a little but you also gain a little let's see if she opens a bonus. here there oh perfect papaya with sugar when she talks like that I think with three ladders Open let. me see exactly it opens with three ladders so you learn this Count with me here Beth. When it starts with 30 you make a multiplier 5 let's check here if we can get. something here let's see its bonus is a dynamic bonus 8 rounds is also payable it pays,. right guys when it's not payable it can be the best Beth anyway here in different ones let's analyze. Beauty doesn't mean that you go for a Bet of 1.50 And it will always gain shape. somehow, that's not how things work I'm saying that Betty is a good Beth for those who have. a better bankroll to concentrate up there, right for those who have a bankroll of 300 just do the math.

Let's imagine a bankroll of 300 gives 200 rounds a bet150 So you can move on Because without. a round and more without a round it's 150 more so mark there in the middle of the bank and say well it's the following. here or at 27 let's make a gain here two more rounds I believe there's not much more thing. and the last round Let's see, it probably won't pay much, right, for Beth's issue, if it. were in some other lots that I know at Betty 1.50 here, it was even a little but a little. is a lot, right guys, so come on, we start with a bankroll of 341 what are we going to do. guys I started with this bankroll of 300 in the tiger so we are here with exactly. 3 A 82 of personal profit that conversation our gain valuation the world does not end tomorrow. think in the long term imagine that you you'll play every day throughout the year.

We earn there 20 30 40 a day do the math how much you don't have per month so there's no. point in suddenly thinking about personal luck this is a game that has a. probability calculation included no it's no use saying no but lot today she's paying later she won't. pay anymore no no no it's nothing like that start to fraction things start analyzing. in the long term the speed of the platforms is in the long term it gives a premium today If you are. me I see a lot of people talking like that, I covered the world today, maybe it covered the world today,. but since there is no preparation for gaining appreciation, in three days there will be nothing left. So if you start training gain valuation and analyze the following well I won here. 40 of what I entered I won 41 just right it's a lot it's going to make me rich I didn't win 41 I'm going to take.

A rest on this platform I'm going to enter another tomorrow this one I gave a break I haven't played. since the last video which was Tigre's and we are recording here Ganesha Gold beauty guys so that's. what I have to pass on to you guys share a lot you get here on the channel. often subscribe here on the channel press the little button here give us strength too. Share the video that you will also be helping other players the thing that is serious here there. is no list of schedules here there are no robots here is to train the player to train the issue of the. behavior of the control of the player which is very important he has high control and the world does not. end Tomorrow we will continue right today we gain such tomorrow we lose 20 then the mother we gain 100 another. day losing 50 years we will mine ok A big hug for you Marcelo Lisboa and thanks.

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