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Hello everyone, this is Marcelo Lisboa welcome to another opportunity video. here on the channel and today's video guys continuing the series of videos how to double the bank. the right way you are following this one is video number 4 it's wonderful that you're not. subscribed yet here on the channel Enjoy it now before starting the video already subscribe below. Leave that like on the video and don't forget guys Share the video to the. opportunity players community that can help many other players good you followed yesterday's video. It was exciting a very cool video we are here look at the way the screen stopped guys. I'm back now after 24 hours Almost 25 hours the banking value is 1.88,88 it was not changed it stopped. the way it is so as not to have no doubt they're putting money in anyway none of that guys I.

Want to record a Clara series clean truth is a series of teaching and plays you follow. follow what I started this bankroll with 500 right a bankroll of 500 and we had to do some work. there of mining appreciation of gain for about nine days I think today is the tenth. day the eleventh day that we are going to do today let's go there for our objective move. to get here to the two wharves Let's see if we're going to make it or if today it's going to lose,. let's see if we're taming the tiger here and the guys are leaving that like on the channel So. let's go there starting again let's analyze here and see what we're going to do said people like that,. there's no orange juice at first look Guys, you follow the videos of account DNA it's. working very well this frequency of 15 minutes a day just and giving rest on the platform more.

For that you follow the videos backwards about account DNA excellent We already started like this. wonderful so let's check it out here he closed the screen, right? And let's see where. the three best prizes are here, which would. be the release of the card, then the release of the card. . Yesterday's video that from bet1 to Beth 1.50 nothing happened, maybe it doesn't. close too, right Oops, wonderful, wonderful, now, wonderful,. let's go upstairs. check. what we have here in the 50 bets, right? Maybe he could have a. perfect match, right? It would be the release of the card; it would be the big win of the golden pot and. it would be the Dragon figure, right? the following. people why it's good to follow the series All of you check out what a day the. other was for a perfect wedding So this is important for us to be very careful.

To analyze all these Steps, right Let's look for the big gain Now let's know where it is the. big gain, right, I'm going to return a little bit, about five or six rounds, I'm doing it. here, right. ? won 25. won 40 ok nothing yet here the card is not shining he is taking the shine off he gave us. an orange juice for us to be happy then the guys are leaving that like up. on the channel watching this series of videos how to double newsstand in the right way. here at Big 90 on the Big 90 channel Thank you very much to all of you more than 40 thousand subscribers and if you. are not subscribed yet don't waste any more time already subscribe below let's go be part of this. community here top 1000 community Great, let's go then to our Betty of 1 and. 5 1 and 25 already to bake for 1:25 today we're going to circle all of them to try to identify.

The slot reading here, let's check where the letter is. . 50 cents right 50 centimeters letter over there good beauty beauty let's analyze Beth from 2025. here what's happening at least her internal plan she's here in the median beauty she's. distributing something, I'm not telling you very well but you already have experience already you know she's. doing that medium right Beauty Betinho at 25 a little tied no no Dragon card no and 25. if you close us to, right if you close, we stay quiet here Oops my friend Diego don't do that. don't do that game of releasing the dragon close the press well I'm talking he raises his little hand. up So okay he dropped a letter not on 25 So let's go for 1.50 we're going to do. a little more than 1.25 here he threatened the Dragão,. right. ? I'm orange juice so Oops orange juice good R$ 1.50 so we realized that in the.

Beta of 50 cents and in the Beta of 1.25 we had cards we still didn't have a big gain where will. the big gain be Guys you already know where the big one will be, it can happen. to delete it here at Beth from 1.50 or it can happen to delete it above 1.50 so for the player who. is playing lower, it pays off for him to stay there, right for the player who already has one banking he. learns to read Premonition reading sports oh the letter not in 50 Look there. today it's not closing no I made a big gain yesterday right the artificial intelligence But. let's analyze the important thing we already have here more or minus an analysis. of how the entrance to the slot works, we have cards at Beth 50 and Beth at 1.50, that is probably so. the following guys if I'm not wrong the big gains will be. here ok let's analyze this let's see if we we are learning this business, the big ones.

Win from 1.50 and up, I think it didn't give a big gain either, it didn't, it. was a screen combination but I believe that the big ones win will be here, it gives one and. 50 up let's see if we're hitting the deal, we. 've already returned the prize,. right? don't change the. turns from here up we're going to get a lot of meat and today probably we're going. to try to double this bank, let's go let's go Bet of two It's tied up let's go. here for 2:25 video not to be too long that we're going to do plays here still huh, the big. gain is up here there is a big gain for absolute certainty if I'm not wrong here. with my friend tiger here, he sends an orange juice here to be calm. so let's go check if I can hit this one reading of Premonition this reading of Slots. here beauty 2 and 50 upwards and it may be that the big gains are all there in the bets, right.

2.50 from 1.50 and upwards it has not yet yielded any it may also happen that it does not yield any major. gains and it can happen that he's on hold at the moment like Dragão or anything, let's. do a little bit of turbo here to see if he cheers up, Tigrão, because you just. cheered us up with that little dragon over there and it didn't close, right, Beauty is in orange it's in. perfect orange it's in moments now maybe they're not closing anything, it can. also happen he's just threatening there he's not closing anything you can see. And then Marcelo And now the tiger has already dealt three cards he hasn't closed anything me I'm not going to be upset. with you because we made a big gain in the history of the account, it raised a lot of accounts, right? If. we analyze this tutorial of this account here, we have been playing for 10 days.

And we have already increased the bankroll three times, that is, starting with 500 We went up well but it could be a. moment in the slot when the player doesn't have a bankroll, it's very complicated because here what. we're going to do, we're going to start again there for the double sequence and we're going to enter. the turbo again yesterday's move, let's see What is he going to do here in this Bad Look. at the first dragon combination that bet5 gave them, they look good the difference between. yesterday's slot and today, look, we're going to keep it here because look, the card is shining like the sun if it's. shining the same a sun is a sign that he's going to release it, right, so says the poet, right, the poets. lower this bank a little bit here, let's sequence this thing, one more move here,.

Let's see what's going to happen, look where there was a big gain there and Marcelão is learning there. I'm learning to play the opportunity here Soon I'll read Premonition above. I also think that this one will give more things here as well, I'm absolutely sure. that the slot is in the perfect marriage moment for bettylton, let's check if he doesn't. drop a card here for if he drops a card here between the 7: 30 and for sure it will close. look at Pets it didn't close here it will close I'll just walk around So I don't spend too much bank. and we're going to enter this Beth here I don't want to enter here on the seven thousand Contorno let's enter here. just to see the What is he going to do, right? Meanwhile, the guys are leaving that like, it's the dragon. over here. . in the gain and go up. here in the smaller Bet we value the gain, look there dragon again now I'm not going to go up I'm going to.

Stay here, stay quiet here, understand here guys, let's go Turbo him here that he's going to. drop the card on bet5 we two and 50 so a big gain is here we already found out and the. good cards didn't close any also look there the big War is one after the other here now we'll. see if we get here the two guys here right let's see almost it's not going to be very easy to get. here ,. it's always when we're there waiting for the Objective there to reach a value,. right? we're going to lower it again here we're going to raise it now we. 're not going to raise it now let's lower it here to 2.50 that we're going to enter the turbo straight through here. and let's see if we get a good moment here or we always get to be in perfect match. we get a card or a big win here too, above 1.50, so the big gains below 1.50,.

So the cards, but he also released a card up here, right, wonderful, let's go, let's see what. he's up to here, could give a Wide screen there for the first time I filled the whole screen. with wifi you could do that for us okay let's go let's manage the bank very. carefully remembering guys 90% chance of losing and 10% chance of winning I know that. suddenly the player he watches a video playing louder he wanted to play louder at the moment. but the best thing calmly with prudence right start there slowly won 10 to won 15 to go. up slowly to big gain again it goes up slowly goes on take it easy,. things are going to work out, it took me 10 days, you know, I could have come here and put a bankroll of a thousand. anyway, it took me 10 days or so to raise the bankroll to that amount, calmly, you followed.

The video, right, the thing is ok very tied here, see guys, it's going to be a bit complicated. for us to raise this bank for both cases today, huh, but let's try, let's go, let's go, the letter is. shining everywhere, so now we're going to do the following, let's come back here for five in the. sequence of warp enters directly into the turbo to see if it's wide I'm dropping a lot of dragon that's good. that's conserving the bank, right? It's giving here the possibility, right. ? and a half. again I will not enter now I will enter it normally and let's see what we get here. if he releases a card if he releases a card here we reach here if he releases a card. and closes we reach today's objective or one great gain here at Sé the card started to shine. huh oops so now it's now that's the turbo let's go like this says the poet the card shining is.

Up look over there look what happened exactly 7:30 is also good right if it gives a big gain. here we hit it let's see if they take a meat here it's more difficult right guys oops again i. don't believe guys again i don't believe it's impossible my friend tiger it's impossible i accidentally pressed. twice my impressive now it wasn't not even when I wanted to I accidentally pressed the mouse. twice no no no no not again not again not guys deserves like deserves everything. now I can say guys it wasn't luck it was nothing it's here oh ok it helped me here the mouse. oh my god what a wonderful blow I accidentally pressed it twice so oh it was really lucky. As a beginner, right, New guy What happened, just yesterday it happened naturally. and today not today exactly the following happened I accidentally clicked twice and it accidentally recorded it.

Made that lock that I don't like to do that and what happened wow guys it happened that. it had to happen right then it got stuck on the audio screen here was the letter shining happily. my friend tiger 2.270 i can't say what i wanted to say right you already know right you know that. icon there on social media that icon so you know that little thing kinda. dark like that later you leave it no don't leave it here not that it will ruin the video you already know. just put a kkk in the video you already know what I mean by that right It was really in that one of. mine God in heaven, I can't believe it, top notch people, let's have a quick chat here so. the video is n't too short. . I play a lot with. account DNA with seven days of rest, but I took the seven eight platforms that I'm playing, I. separated the one that was working best but that was working for me, it doesn't mean that it.

Will work for you, suddenly you will play on other platforms or on seven anyway. and there will be a platform that will have the best functioning I took it on that platform and what did. I do It was simply something seven days was giving results I downloaded it for four days of. rest I had a result I downloaded it for three days and I started to do this sesh time of a day of. rest but to reduce the clothes with I dropped that microphone that I'm even emotional here guys and I. started to reduce this frequency, you know, this game session I'm just playing in this one I'm. playing at 9 o'clock from night to 4 pm anyway I'm playing for just 15 minutes just now. what happened here you already know the name of what happened it was on right accidentally pressed it twice. and it stuck there it ended up hanging on Wilde there right it locked the screen do this often doesn't.

Work out, it was really luck that this happened, so in yesterday's video and in today's video and. we were at Beth at 2.50, can you imagine if there was a tall Betty, this would have happened, well, coming back to. a reasoning for you then I'm doing 15 minutes 12 13 minutes of game only the time of the video. ended the video for the account closes the big one I'm leaving here not yet I've withdrawn everything for the account all. right and I'll only come back to the video tomorrow so I'll only come back tomorrow in the video so I. 'm going to close the account I'm going to close it I'm saying everything I'm doing I'm just going to go back to the video tomorrow later. you test it first start playing with rest on the platforms separate those two. or three platforms that you are having a better performance ok having a good result.

And do the following start there reduce instead of 17 days reduce four days of rest and play it went well. reduce it from four days to three oops it went well again from three to two from two to one one. day of rest 24 hours and reduce the game session and test to see how it will go for. you later you say here in the comment how it's going it's going well you're not if it's. a Joker account here I'm lucky with this platform that And that's what I have to. say to you So guys Thank you very much to all of you subscribers Thank you very much to those who. share the channel's video you who leave that comment top invite a friend to subscribe. to the channel follow up there is more than a hundred and such videos from several providers several Slots opportunity. many providers many cool tips and here is the following guys here is.

real money here is not her account it is money And you can see I stopped now I'm going to leave the account stopped I'll. just come back tomorrow the way it is here it is the way I'm going to open the video tomorrow is good. a big hug for all of you Marcelo Lisboa and thanks

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