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NBT Sports is people people like. threetime Olympic gold medal winner. Mickey alond we're proud to have Mickey. alond as the newest member of the NBT. sports team nvt is the first American. television network to cover the. preolympic track and field games in. Moscow. Mickey Alman knows the world of. international Athletics from the inside. join him in the entire NBT sports team. at the games in. Moscow. my. that. my. w. I love the. godamn I am Runner you were Runner now. you're an. answerer I am. Runner. come. come on. hey Mickey I quit I'm going back to the. hotel hey we the hotel. on. come. on well come. on come with us. comrade. you scared the out of. me oh why didn't you. stop cuz I am an American and Americans. don't give up get in the car. you run quite well for an American. you speak English . a. damn look at this mhm and how much did.

You pay for. that huh Russian workmanship the only. thing that matters is to meet the work. quarter like American. television okay take care thanks good. night night hope to see you again soon. soon need some. help you go ahead up be right. there could please shine torch into. Cabaret. sure closer. please I am a Scientist I have a story. that I must get to the West you help me. get a story to Western media I'll help. you win Nobel Prize are you. interested why are you telling us this. well who should I tell. nobody look he wants me to take the. papers out of the country but they could. be good for all us and it could also get. the whole damn Network thrown out of. this country yeah we in into jail oh. come on Jay look Mickey I know you think. you're some All American God damn hero. but this is real life that you're.

Screwing around with the Russians catch. in the network will have my ass for. breakfast hey that's very uh sentimental. of you Tom listen our own government. doesn't even want us here they told us. it's not up to us to declare peace but. we went ahead anyway and spent Millions. to buy the rights all right the. capitalist on one side the KGB on the. other which door will Jack Armstrong. step blindly through what if he's. telling the truth the truth yeah oh. truth Anders a picture huh is that what. you really care about Mickey the. truth what if he's telling the truth who. gives a stay away from. it those of you who wish to photograph. are quite at Liberty to do so but please. no flash thank. you now I will try to give to you the. impression of the feeling that was used. to inspire the building of this room. and we the naked lady paintings aren't.

There supposed to have naked lady. painting why didn't you tell me about. this before look I don't want a. lecture what do you want should I do it. or. not I don't. know. really I really like Yuri can't believe. you going to hurt us world so how do I. do it. but what about ma oh it doesn't have to. involve the network or the game that's. not true Mickey and you know it you won. three gold medals the network is giving. you a chance to capitalize on that. everything you do affects all of. us look I'm sorry to be so. Frank that's why I married you. Frank independ what I mean is we've been. lucky we've lived in a free country all. our lives these people. haven't sounds corny it's Kansas in. August what do you think I should do I. think you ought to be real sure why you. want to do. this but I love you for wanting. to I don't know I don't know if she be.

Trying this it' be a shame for you to. lose such a chance let's say I take it. out I get caught what can they do to me. you're an American they won't bother. you I'm. sorry I'm. American didn't you speak. English look. I'm. may I speak. may I speak. please in a moment if you please in a. moment yes how can I be of service to. you I'd like to call my Embassy I was. told I'd be able to call my Embassy I'm. an American citizen which Embassy wish. to call well the American Embassy I've. done nothing wrong you are. Almon M Michael Yes father's name. Alfred yeah um I'd like to call the. American Embassy please yes of course in. a moment you'll be not only able to call. your Embassy you'll be free to. go. oh that's good you guys had been going. there for a while now you have to sign. this. form please read it carefully. my name is buosi oh hi may I get you.

Some tea sure be. great hey this is a please read it to. the end and I will answer all. questions have you ever had Russian Tea. a real Russian Tea it is something. special it is not like American tea with. little envelopes or even like English it. is really special you know why we start. with a very strong tea Essence it is. very very. black and it is cold know and we pour. into it really. boiling scolding water you must be very. careful when you drink it to blow it is. so. hot this is a confession saying I'm a. spy for the CIA there's no way I'm going. to sign this of course you will sign it. now remember to blow it so. hard oh oh I'm what a shame I am sorry. all my please do forgive me and a whole. glass of tea wased oh the tea I I must. get do some more no I don't want anymore. iist I want to call the American Embassy.

Now but of course in a moment but first. you must sign this little formality and. then you may call your Embassy you'll be. free to go look I'm a guest of your. country I'm one of the key people in. producing the coverage of your spara. games which is something your government. is very interested. in you better check and find out who I. am when my network finds out I'm here. there's going to be hell to pay I don't. think you realize the power an American. tevision I only a Civil Service employee. and you talk of such large abstract. things may I be quite Frank with you I. wish you would you'll be convicted as a. spy no matter what whether you sign or. no but I haven't done anything what's. that got to do with it you mustn't think. in those. terms sit down I will explain to you sit. down there will be many journalists in.

Moscow for these games many many. athletes many tourists for it is a big. thing a very big thing and all of these. people will be exploited by bad people. parasites in Moscow who want to tell. them Slanders against Soviet government. who may even want to smuggle some. secrets to the West so to protect. ourselves we must give a strong warning. to these journalists and to these. tourists that they shouldn't talk to. such people they should even be afraid. to talk to such. people and I believe you are picked out. to be such a. warning you mean I was set. up this is American Gangster movie talk. you may believe it if it helps you to. believe such things I have enough to. convict you now pictures of your. meetings with Kus of and take accordance. of what he told. you I have to call the American Embassy. please if you sign the confession you.

Will be deported to USA if you don't. sign the confession then we cannot admit. that we made a mistake so you will be. convicted and sent to prison so I I. believe it is better for you to. sign I can't make a decision like that. without speaking to somebody from the. embassy or or My networker of course you. need time very good then I shall invite. you back and we shall have some more. team and we shall. see in the meantime we'll give you a. room where you may think things over. they will show you the way. goodbye. what are you. doing I know to. do. PA here we go. sh God damn. it. for. you sign the. document. no and go to your room. I want to call the American. Embassy I want to call the American. embassy. I don't understand you sign the document. you'll be deported to USA is that so. terrible I know many people who would.

Like to be deported to. USA can't do without my confession. you'd be doing. it so . you go to your. room. you. bastards. where you side. today if you blow me. so I have been wrong about you H call. him American. Embassy I have been. wrong you're strong I salute. you this not a way to work with you this. punishment. sirell it makes you even stronger I. think. bitter huh it was a. mistake I'm americ. I'm an. American they will take you to the. bath so that you can clean yourself to. then meet with your. wife my. wife. my wife out there. yet. div oh. no my wife's out. there my wife's out there waiting on me. that's what they told me it's not fair. that's not. fair why assignment was to seek out a. Russian scientist we were interested in. and blackmail him into betraying his. country handing over State secrets. that's right you felt no shame in using.

An international sporting event to. further your nefarious aims. no finally um how was your treatment at. the hands of the Soviet Union very fair. do you have any complaints at the. treatment you have received I do not and. what are your feelings now I'm. ashamed what I've done what I was forced. to. do forced to do by my. government. see very. good you like some. tea you can help yourself this. time how do I get released in 15 minutes. is that soon enough no you'll be taken. straight to the. airport of course you will deny. everything wants you back in the United. States in fact that's what we want you. to do oh yeah. why some of your countrymen will believe. you then they will know that even though. you've done nothing we could do with you. as we pleased it is the warning to the. journalists of which we spoke. others will believe that you're really a.

Spy and then they will blame CIA for. doing this terrible thing during the. games the bottom line as you say is all. profit it is time for you to. go I hope you don't think too harshly of. me you're all caught between the great. Powers goodbye. foreign spech. spee. to take a train to the. airport I'm supposed to we go to the. airport to be. deported you son of a . godamn it godamn. it let me out of here it's a mistake. godamn it let me. out. yes yes Mickey I'm not supposed to be. here you see I'm supposed to Beed I'm. supposed to be at the airport ask. bukovski just. askov godamn it open the door. American amican. listen to me God you speak English you. got to tell these people that I'm not. supposed to be here this is your prayer. if you want to live you have to learn it. no no I'm not supposed to be here I'm. supposed to be taken to the airport when.

You hear last name you answer with first. name then year you are born then crime. then sentence look I'm supposed to be. deported. 1954 yeah yeah. article 70. ESP sentence was 10. years. what sentence was 10. years. for. AGA Andre food for today. get. eat bread forget fish why come on come. on come on come on he's very salty then. the guard plays games I he doesn't give. you water and you crazy with thirst well. he takes a lots of water but doesn't. take you to the toilet and you piss in. your pants and eat bread forget. fish. open the door you son a godamn it. let me out of here I got to take a. lck open the [ __ ] door you. stupid God damn it I got to take a piss. let me out of here you got to open the. door open the door. so son of a open the door. everybody here's got to. piss when you beg it makes them laugh. yeah but what am I supposed to do we.

Make rock and roll M we have been. prisoners longer than they have been. guards it's they. on hey hey. hey hey. heion. how about that you son of a. hey hey before you bake now you're. brave either is afraid as we are they're. trapped in there just like us I say. no. I was sitting. there so now you can stand. oh you know the story of The Fox and the. dog no good sit down. listen once there was a miserable dog. who says zo everybody kicks me they. treat me like a dog. and then one day he meets a wise old. Fox and the fox says why are you so. miserable and the dog says everybody. kicks me they treat me like a. dog and the fox says well you sure of. course they treat you like a. dog the first thing you do when you see. somebody new in the forest you sniff him. in the. to of course they treat you like a. dog well the dog says well now watch.

Should I. do and the fox said get up tomorrow. morning throw out your. chest and walk proud through the forest. like a. man and when you meet somebody new in. the forest don't go sniff him in the. to you walk straight up to him and. bar so next. morning the dog throws out his chest. walks. proud and the first animal he sees is. the. lion he walks straight up to the lion. and says. loud and the lion thinks either he's. crazy or he's got. rapies so he runs. away and so it goes through the whole. day every animal he meets he barks at. and that animal. and the dog feels so nice and proud and. happy and then he sees the wise old Fox. and he goes straight up to the fox and. shouts. loud and the wise old Fox just looks at. him and. says listen. doy by me you can still sniff in th. my wife Irena. she was Professor also like. me we tried to get academic freedom but.

They Crush our. group I am Jew I asked to go to Israel. so they kick us out of. University I tried to take small plan. over Bard but they catch me send me to. Camp sentence was for 5. years I tried to escape they catch me. again give me 10 know your. sentence I attack the. guard and that's the way it goes 10. years here 5 years there but that's. up these all Jews no some are. Christians that manant. there in English. he used called. hooker he's KAC he wants to be KAC not. Soviet he loves to hunt and to. trap but they want him to work on farm. he refus so they send him to Camp many. times refusing to work on a farm no. antisoviet activity for being Jew for. being Christian Article. 1 but you must watch out. for. L common. criminal like him he is common criminal. Thief but good. man will you help me in Camp. no well you will be in foreign section.

Of the camp we will be in the Russian. section foreign section is much better. much. better what's it like in. Camp. that. cold hard. work you will maybe bribe a guard to. give me some food from your packages. through. fence we get. packages what why do we become your. friend you are American when we get to. Camp you get many packages good ones. from America then we are your friends. and you smuggle some of them through the. fence to. us your. friends if you are lucky you go to easy. Camp if you're not if you're not lucky. you better get. lucky. can you believe it mother he's coming. home tomorrow. yes well they have it all arranged Our. Heroes welcome how about. that no it's even bigger than that that. was for an athlete this is for a. hero. yes okay I'll call you tomorrow I love. you too. right. bye. for. I. Mickey it was only a.

Dream come. on. you . you don't let them stiff your toos they. might find something they. like. spe ah. he. for. what's he. saying he says he knows where we are. going man is not a mountain what does. that mean it is a saying mountains never. meet men or. wisdom why didn't he do anything there's. too much to explain one thing. bureaucrats don't want these things to. explain results only. to. hold your. an. you go to foreign Zone we go to Russian. Zone we will try to help one another but. here there are no Russians or Americans. they're only. prisoners like. athletes yes like. athletes. remember the guards also have strict. rules they cannot shoot you for no. reason so they get you to do something. forbidden they steal something of yours. and then throw it away from you when you. go to get it they shoot you so you were. trying to escape they use prisoners to.

Kill one another the best is to be. careful never trust. anyone and don't sniff you know. where. open. fore let's. go. the. dear. Susan I love you and I miss you. terribly I write you letters to remind. me who I am and that I've had another. life outside the. goog someday we'll have it. again the Russians built a camp at the. bottom of an old Limestone Quarry so no. one could Escape there a fence sort of. no man's land down the middle of the. camp I'm on the side with all the. foreign. prisoners across the fence of the. Russian prisoners that's the hard labor. camp chopping down trees unloading box. cars they're building a new workers City. for socalled freed prisoners who spend. the rest of their life in internal. Exile sometimes at night we hear screams. from that side and I think about my. friends over. there. the happiest time in the camp is the.

Night we receive our packages from the. outside once a month or so we're like. kids at a circus on that. night please include lots of cigarettes. in what you send they like money here. hey F beans I'm going to blow myself. over the. wire you got. there. man. fore. they're prisoners here from all over the. world Europeans South Americans a. Chinese Doper that drinks shoe punish. there even a group of former generals. who were all a bunch of spy Chiefs at. one time or another one's a pole one's. from Czechoslovakia Hungarian there's. even an Englishman he a real pain in the. ass he was a spy Chief in West. Berlin now they're all stitching. gloves. for. C what the are you do me you idiot. you stole his stuff yeah better I get. them before somebody else he's not even. dead yet just wait till You' been here a. few years and don't breathe anything.

About this in the morning with any luck. I'll get his breakfast ration. Away St. away. shoot. shoot. sh. it's getting cold out there let's play. cards Micky you want to play cards you. going to play cards now well you have a. better suggestion to make come on Alman. if Nero fiddle the least we can do is to. play a little Acy doy while the Russians. kill each other he I told you I had. friends over there on don't be such a. ball idiots to try such a break as. that why oh God love the Americans with. their incessant wise why shouldn't they. want to make a break I'll tell you why. because this is the goolag you. kettin this isn't just one little Camp. you know this is a thousand miles of. nothing but. camps so what if they cross the wire. it's a whole country of camps can you. grasp that one Alman whole country of. camps for a break to succeed you'd have.

To start at 1,000 km away from here and. then you'd have to cross ice in the. winter or tunder and swamps in the. summer not to mention the problem of. food well that's no problem just take. along a. sandwich you know what a sandwich is. don't you let's just play no wait a. minute wait a minute look we've got a. new boy here and it's time he knew the. facts a sandwich is when two two. prisoners Take Along a third weak of. prisoner on an escape someone they. reckon can last maybe one or two days. and then die and when he does they eat. him two cards oh you want to play cards. now yes he wants to play cards we all. want to play. cards God look at him just sitting there. you actually think you're going to get. out of here don't you huh don't you you. probably think that John Wayne's going. to come charging through here with the.

Cavalry Uncle Sam to the. rescue I am innocent I mean you're the. spy not me precisely I am a spy. I've been given a sentence and I'll. serve it or they'll exchange me for some. Soviet spy but. you the Soviets are afraid that if you. get out your government will use your. case to get bigger CIA and Military. budgets which is something that the. Soviets definitely do not want you're. caught by the balls in a power. struggle you think the United States. government is actually come on you're an. embarrassment to. them your case shows the American people. just how weak and ineffective your. government really is let's say you're. right you think my wife is going to sit. around for that she's going to raise so. much hell something's going to get done. oh yes your. wife well the Russians certainly don't. want her creating a disturbance making.

You a c celeb you know what'll happen if. she does she'll get a telegram saying. that the USSR regrets to inform her that. her spy husband has died of natural. causes and then you will vanish into. Siberia in a mine or laying a pipeline. whatever they need your body full of. you know my friend your wife is. very prompt in sending you your packages. on the day that they stop that's the day. she's got the. wire one doesn't send packages to. corpse. Christ let's play. CS it's you to play. Mickey. hey don't push there's plenty more where. they came from I got friends in there. you. prick you don't stop causing trouble. Alman they'll transfer you. there. for. foreign. fore. for. you bastard get your hands off me told. him I was pulling tough to PR right you. don't pull your weight and the ones that. really do the work have to pay for it.

You sure that. P Mick don't be fool you end up in. punishment s you know what the son of. ACH did don't be a. fool you ought to smash your face. hey come on Alman the point of this. exercise is to stay alive you think. you're alive you steal from the dead you. over other prisoners where's your. dignity dignity dignity's a. first to go look I'm just trying to help. you survive here the sooner you accept. the fact that you're going to be here. for a very long time the better off. you'll. be that's a Croc of you just gave. up. this makes me think of Susan's little. hands writing it you know actually. touching this. paper I love her hands small and. feminine like a china. doll my wife has big. hands and big. feet I love them. too do you by okay look on the list I. got a. package it's Christmas time. look in the pile over there I know I got.

A package from my. wife I know I've got pack what what are. you doing the are you doing I know. I got a. package. w. and. now I think we have a musical number. from a americanish friend Mickey. man oh come on Mickey just one number. I. don't okay you don't feels so good. today right I make magic. trick magic trick my magic. box and some cards I need some help. please you take a. cut. in Red Square go to prison watch this oh. this is the very bad man he makes guns. and bombs there you stay in there okay. so we have three naughty people in. prison goodbye okay so make the magic. work ocus. Focus. Christmas camp and the commant knock on. the door is everybody in. there hey there they. are. d chck d. chck I I I want to know how you did the. trip the. box magic man don't tell his secret I'm. not playing games di tell me how the box.

Works the train is the only way out from. here but the tracks don't come to this. part of the camp they stop in the. Russian Zone and. you must not think like this you'll go. insane I'm dead. D you must not think of more than one. moment is there food in your stomach are. you warm does your mind still work does. your limb still work these are victories. you must live in the moment in order to. survive not in the. past not in the. future. please happy Christmas. Mony. H. Mickey oh what an awful smell couldn't. you have sat a little bit further away. from the. latrine. you know part of my training was. learning how to deal with. pain I didn't think I'd ever need to use. it you know I shouldn't really be here I. didn't have gone out on that. job I had a career as an intelligent. technocrat not a Frontline cold warrior. I just thought that a little bit of.

Adventure would bolster up my sagging. selfesteem I studied Russian what you. want from. me what the do you want from. me I want to go with you I don't want to. die. here. spe. let. over. WI. what' he. say 6 months in the Russian. Zone. for. fore. speech. the it's . cold. God look there's hook. Jesus I didn't even know if you guys. were alive or not you are idiot don't. talk to me what do you mean you had a. nice soft place in foreign Zone then you. act like idiot W vas off and get sent. over here you think I got now I your. favor two favors one for you and one for. your friend to get into my Barracks I. don't like to owe favors well I'm real. sorry Sor you tell your mother not me. look we came over here on purpose. something I want to talk to you all. about I don't talk with. idiots these are your friends. six. months got them to send you to Russian.

Zone because you want to make Escape. that's right now do you want to hear my. idea or. not you're going to be here a long time. might as well get it over with to even. start an Escape you have to get at least. 1,000 km from here right this and your. work during winter time is unloading box. cars concrete blocks cement in. construction what happens when you. finished unloading a whole. train want to make escape on train just. tell us what. happens the guards check inside each box. to make sure it's really empty then he. closes the bug's car and locks it then. they check the bottom of the whole train. and then then an only then do they let. the train Go so there's no way you can. get on under train he's not talking. about getting on under a. train look inside the. box it's empty. right. so stick this. inside now let's say this is the box car.

And that paper is the five of. us the the guard has to come around and. check the box car to make sure it's. empty. right check it make sure it's. empty it's. empty no it's. not false. wall it is. good. very. good it won't work what are you talking. about of course it'll. work they get you with the. fives they count you when you leave the. camp to go to work. Zone a guard counts five men makes a. mark then an next row of five men and so. on and so on. if they are missing one prisoner. even no one moves until they find not. even if the box car is. empty. Mickey H is only trying to help. you you know you make it sound so simple. like uh like your. ABC there are so many details comp. plexities just learn to live why. die why. not I will. go. what I will go you and I Mel we will. make diversion and. go. po look. what the guard he was on the train.

Yes a man is not a. mountain you. remember. you. foreign. got. a stop. youing. for spe. spee. L's fast a Russian triing Camp is very. quick what did they give you nice. present extra 15. years show me a little magic box again. mik. spe. foreign. spee okay. foree. ch. speech. it's never going to. work we've got to get him out of here. without him. seeing Why without them seeing let them. see I don't get used to. seeing. got put three bags on. there Russian. ingenuity. for. speeech. Mr. B. what do you. got Booker is great. CAC you think we can trust these two. communist. bastards that's. great come. on. you better get something to. eat Mickey I will be the. diversion how's that I will release the. fox she'll be on the. train no I I cannot go on this break not. Fay this is going to work I promise you. that yes it's a good. plan and well even if it.

Works you will have to jump from the. train you will have to walk one. week maybe more through the ice before. you get across but you've done it. before. yes. fore. speech spee. speech. for. spee. spee Micky. English Good. Luck Good Luck Kai maybe we meet again. maybe men on that. mountains. on. my. got it. stuck. stuck for Fore for. speee. speeech. fore. speech. speee. fore. spee. spe. spech. fore. spee spe come here. foree. fore. we. out we're out. sh. tiet at the station Rock. L Rock line is a might good Road Rock. line is a road ride Rock line. Ro. oh. now . you. sway the. border that. way you. sure I hope. so. o. looker. God oh God. God. push it back. in push it back. in let's get him out. for. go he's dead he's not dead he's dead for. craist. sake. come on Mickey come on Mickey come. on. I thought that was going to be. me. oh. is. no stop. st. out big.

P. vusi peruski you're not. Russian no I'm not Russian. we're. Norwegians you're in Norway this fence. is the Border that's Russia over. there on the other. side. who are. you what's your. name Kenneth. barington. English Mickey Mickey arm USA. American welcome to Norway. I. Mr Alman Mr barington welcome back to. the Free World I'm Robert Kate Pearson. of the American Embassy here in Oslo. how' you do yeah it's my wife outside. yes she is but if I could just delay you. for 2 minutes it would go a lot more. smoothly what will well there's a lot of. press out there and Mickey I'm here to. take you to Washington the president. will present you with the medal in the. Rose Garden tomorrow listen listen to me. the president has been telling the. American public just how brutal the. Russians are you are living proof you. can help him get that message out before.

November get the out of my Mickey. Mickey you have a responsibility to show. the. world. it's just I'm just glad to be home thank. you thank. you. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e

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