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Um. oh you cannot buy this one for oh you. can like it was. uh wait I have to get the info in this. game. we have no info about this game. uh. ten thousand eggs okay. thank you Lauren 96.05. rgp. I guess they are saying that yeah Max. volatility. I'm not gonna do that that was all right. here we go I think okay so. I saw this game a little bit before. when Adam was playing it so I think we. have to get the coins to a cluster and. it will use the multipliers right. like that so now. or maybe we'll get the I have no idea. what the is happening here. what is that. what is the carrot juice. so is that one x to the humble one I. have no idea what the . oh we okay we got okay that's more spins. oh X2 now low too. so we got the coin X wins whenever it's. it hits a cluster it seems like. so that 25 makes a 50x okay. now. points are not wise exactly they just.

Have to touch the. cluster and then we'll get that X win. so with that 100x would have been next. to our cluster would have gone 100x the. BET plus the cluster win am I right. oh here we go. nice. oh nice. but what is the biggest coin we can get. 1 000x damn that ain't bad. come on get the last seven here. what the happened here why did it. refresh. yeah good. level four. nice oh beautiful it. got a 5x multiplier now. foreign. multiplied the coins as well. oh my God look at that holy that's. a good win. boys. oh wait maybe is it enough no oh it is. enough. wow wow ah. 10x wow 10x what the 10 eggs tedx. good. Ness. oh this is the max level we don't get. progressing anymore. so we have to get a big cluster with a. big coin. so that's the 10x coin there because of. the Titanic's multiplier. so if we get a 100x that will be 1 000x.

And that's what you're saying it's the biggest coin there now I understand it okay foreign oh my God imagine where are the gold coins now huh I hacking love this game 348 725. that's a score of 6.97 good job VIPs good God damn job thank you for bringing our bands back up again good job good job go with the duel here we go you know oh full line with the okay with the revolver Man full screen here and it's done full screen and we're good ah all right all right okay so let's continue here now I think to get the last level there is quite rare but that was the first goals that I bought here so I'm not sure so I suppose okay oh look at the closet oh my God look at that so 15 up to 49 rabbit is 75 grand with the oh wow with a multiple of 10 750.

Hey. oh 250X bro what the . 250X. wait so. are you saying that the highest coin. from like the highest X smart coin is. one thousand X. I thought you meant that there was a one. like oh wow okay. interesting interesting. oh. oh. Jordan 150 no. so that would have been 500x now because. of the 2X. pragmatic actually coming up with some. with some ideas whoever came up with. this game from pragmatic has to get a. promotion don't lose him pragmatic with. all your reskins and stuff like that. we're gonna get some more spins for more. scatters. uh not really okay we just got a better. win base win a lot more spins or or. um. oh wow that's a big cluster as well. NFL's next win feels like it's possible. got that one down there. oh look at that damn that's a nice. monster oh what's the wheel wasn't that. much yeah because the more price is not.

Even that good now. mmm. a lot of copper coins though. oh wow that's pretty cool kind of made. it all the way in there. wait that's still level three. oh. what the . okay. I mean we're on to the next level with. three spins left already. imagine if it took the spins with on to. the next level as well. exactly every new level is five spins. hey okay here we go. it always starts with the lowest one. okay I thought it was random so on the. last spin it will take okay it goes out. like that. ah. okay nice. 160 375.. not too shabby not too shabby VIPs. a balance of how much 700k and we. started with still okay so good job. brought everything back up again. good job good job. oh look at that look at that one there. we slept almost spin hey look at train. Tina. drink. beautiful beautiful. it. 226 000 down there back up to 1.7. I'm down a lot man I am I know oh 250X.

Oh 250 eggs again do you think they give the sloth an answer to pee when they first come out get you I don't know maybe the Memphis I don't know I don't I don't know man maybe maybe not oh my God what a cluster what a cluster bro what the incredible incredible incredible incredible it was a nice 250 extra 1000x with a 3X multiplier every single bonus Buy has been a profit look at that average X1 on this game 371 after four bonuses oh well I was just gonna say that we should have done weekly buys on this one now a little bit slow but maybe that's exactly what we need no games so we don't lose as as fast or as much oh here we go that's oh wait oh oh that was over oh it's a little bit unclear there I don't know why it shows the wind 250.

Oh wow you guys always get really spread. out like that as well that's pretty cool. I didn't know that I thought they came. in clusters. that's pretty cool I didn't know that. you created real dollars or is because. it's crypto so yeah real dollars but in. crypto. but this is in ethereum. hey come on gold coin. gold coin and ten more. oh what's that five six. or with oh nice. come on. two. my gold coin. oh hola custard what the is that. 15. oh wow oh wow. last spin bud. 82 hey that's a profit again. hey it actually shows you on the left if. you get a gold coin shows me on the left. if I get a gold coin how. on the left. ear. all right oh yeah yeah okay that I know. yeah I know that. gold coin fish. maybe no. oh we got it . hey wow cool got it. already. why the long face. magic piggy why the long face. group F here to explain why you have the.

long face. thank you. huh. yeah I'm thinking about dudes I just. wanted a week goodbye the only thing I. don't like it's kind of slow but hey it. pays so it stays right. it's super rare six out of six profits. that's super rare I don't think I've. ever had that. I don't think I've ever had that if now. that I think about it we've never had. six bows buys and six prophets of all of. them. we've had a green score of course but. never. I don't think we've ever had six bull. spies with six Prophets. I think this could be the first time. ever. cool. magic beer coming up

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