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What is going on guys my name is green. Venom and today we're back with a brand. new Strat on the stake Originals Wheel. game we are gonna try a strat from a. different game and apply to this and see. if it works it should so let's see if it. does. as I said it should work guys we are. going to test it out and see if it does. I've seen someone try this and he said. green I went from fifty dollars to 120.. I didn't push my luck because when I get. greedy I lose so let's see what happens. here and let's see if it actually works. all right so essentially guys we have. ten dollars we're trying this out test. trial we're gonna open the stats here. I'm gonna clear this okay so uh we're. gonna do a 30 Cent BET before you get in. the video make sure to use code green. Venom on stake and also to join my. Discord it is new we're doing tons of.

Their strategies giveaways and much. more links in the description low risk. 10 segments we're gonna put instant bet. and on every loss we have an increase of. 300 percent. um like I said very risky but let's give. it a try and see what happens the last. step your boy make sure to drop a like. And subscribe by the way and uh let's do. this. all right guys so we're in we're in the. rat race what is gonna happen are we. gonna lose some profit here are we gonna. win. um let's see I'll be with you in a bit. guys I'll be with you in a bit. guys so far so good we have 72 wins and. nine losses. um we have five dollars in profit which. is pretty good considering if you start. this track with like a hundred dollars. that's like 40 50 from profit right. there and it's been like what not even a. minute so that's actually pretty sick.

Now keep in mind this is gambling it's. all luck if you hit the gray area three. times in a row you will lose your money. that's why I have the 300 increase so. 300 increase we're going to 90 cents and. we're going higher and higher and we can. rip the balance so. um let's keep giving it a try and let's. see where we go. foreign. not bad guys not bad we're already 2x. our money so far so good if you look at. the chart guys we haven't had a scary. dip to where we're like oh we're. gonna lose our balance so honestly this. stride is pretty good now I'm. trying this with ten dollars just a. little test try you run this with a. hundred if you're a ball or a. thousand you double up your money and. guys keep in mind we have 168 wins 24. losses that is an insane ass ratio so. guys this is fantastic this. Strat is pretty solid so one thing about.

This guys is it's gambling you can lose. your money but uh give it a try let me. know how it goes pretty good here let's. continue it and let's see where we can. get up to maybe 25 30 as long as we. don't rip everything we should be good. to go. we're back boys we are back 35 in the. tank from 10 to 35 little 3.4 to 3.5. let's butter it up to 4X all right if. you're six feet you're six four that's. the Vibes right so uh yeah um lost a bit. of footage there with recording I. stopped the recording I was. recommentating and then I forgot to. press the record button I pressed the. start virtual camera it's right below to. stop recording and then I'm commentating. I'm jamming and then I find out I didn't. record the last segment but. we're doing this for a second take here. um we're at 35 we're gonna do a few. manual bets here just to maybe hit a 50x.

And end the video out with the bang. we're gonna do 25 shots let's get this. money only tonight one two three four. five six seven eight nine ten brah one. just one time eleven twelve. I'm probably counting like too. come on once. guys would be sick if we actually do hit. this let's do 10 cents man. all right seven cents. it. all right guys that's it on the video so. we started at ten dollars we're at 30.. finished off at 25 stop recording and I. decided to play a bit more myself got up. to 30 and uh we're calling it a day I'm. not gonna get greedy try to go for 50 or. 100 like I said guys if you want to make. some quick fast Profit just quick and. not get greedy with it run this . make make like a little two three x Cash. Out call it a day cause I'm not gonna. lie I almost lost everything but I got. lucky so if you guys enjoyed the video.

drop a like comment subscribe let me. know in the comment section below uh if. you try this and how it goes ciao boys. and I'll see you in the next one

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