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Hello everyone, Marcelo Lisboa welcome to another video here on the channel. and today's video guys I'm going to make a move on these wonderful lots of Fortune Pig is a. very popular slot in the world of professional players for those who know it that I. 'm talking about in physical casinos and online casinos is a slot even if you have to know how to play. so you who are not yet subscribed here on the channel Enjoy it now before starting the video already. subscribe below Leave that like on the video and don't forget forget it guys Share the video there. in the players group it will help many other players until a better knowledge here about. Slots here with Marcelo Lisboa Surely we have many videos here on the channel that are. helping a lot of people so without further ado let's do the analysis here Overall these dot.

Like these chinese style lot which is the best way to play and the chances we. have to win beauty first place guys she is one here value of the coin 0.1 you click. here to say 0.01 means playing 25 cents in the case here 25 centimeters here in Portugal. it would be cents there in Brazil Alright so if we increase the value of the coin here just for you to. check it out look a 0.10 Imagine that you are not playing here with 10 centimeters, people are playing. here at 2.50 So you have to be very careful when I find the Slots perline by line here to. identify that the value of the coin and its prize is also the value of the coin Okay, so here I. 'm coming right away give a very important tip for players who play with a low bankroll better Beth. 2 and 50 for players who want to play a little higher stay here o five or here o.

12 and 50 what you can do here is a good slot for personal climbing no here is now a. big secret for a moment that you will be left with your mouth open this type of slot here in chinese. is an opportunity it is no longer indicated it does not mean that any rule you can. change can test anyway but it is not u In this slot, let's put it this way for an escalation play or a. drug sequence Beauty, it doesn't have a head prize, it's good to understand why it has a very. important thing, which is good combinations and it's a very long plan slot because it has five channels in the same. lot very well time consuming bonus a question of the luck factor and there are some signs here that it is important for the. player to know Alright so for those who went through the video call yesterday in the mentorship with me this.

Slot is on the line to play that secret move of the nearby players so if you want to. know more also that learning more about slot you already know you go to a mentorship so the first. step in these lot here we have to do the following guys fix that 40 rounds before. 40 rounds is not worth it very much there is calculating if it is in retention if it's in Distribution and. doing that fiveround climb, she has the good thing here she has the bonus for Sky TV the dragon. and she feels a coin bag like this one, 150 coins q that's the value of the coin, see, it's not 150 coins. multiplied here by the value that the coin is being played with Okay, so six bags of this one here, it. opens with an internal bonus and in the internal bonus, there's a mystery there, too, if you open the bonus, I'll show it. to you here Alright so you follow the video more or less three rounds here Let's.

Put here 900 anything when we get to 700 right we already know that we did our. 40 there don't tell me don't tell me my friend don't tell me don't tell me no tell me don't tell me look at this. guys big luck o mystery is the piggy Dourado if the piggy Dourado falls through here. all these prizes go to a piggy Dourado no I don't believe the luck factor is something. I'll tell you the truth, it's hard to happen this in these batches, people, it's very difficult, we could. have a piggy now, right if a piglet falls here, look at the piglet, look how wonderful,. look what this piglet does, it absorbs all the values ​​of the five I said back yes fixed. it's not 1,250 euros here it's not 1250 coins guys We'll already know which one is Breno saw. and it can happen the repetition of this little piggy fall more times man if we have it here if it.

's a Lucky Day here the luck factor here look It was just a moment it's the first time I'm bringing. here the opportunity here on the channel it's a slot that I was like it's very complicated very time consuming. to give a bonus to give something so that video is very long so that's why I. don't record much on it but here how I was going to do it Oops how wonderful imagine if we take here. a little more Dorado of this she absorbs everything again let's see who you know bet5 Oops. today the wonder fell here 200 coins here wow, another piglet could fall if another piglet fell. here we are going to cover this business that's why I say it is a type of slot that is not a slot that has. a head prize but it is the best is a very popular slot in the physical casino, folks Wow,. another one fell Will we cover this thing I'd take another little pig here plus a little pig.

Guys I can't believe this what's happening two little pigs here almost two. thousand coins Let's see What is going to happen in this business here, look, it's unprecedented. , I'm glad it's being filmed here and I'm going to show this video here to the players. themselves to see what happened there I start with the opportunity that is the moment, right guys, I can't. understand what happens, you see that it's not a bet, you don't need to climb, you don't need to. check here Oops, it's over, everything's over, the party's over, let's check how many coins there will. be 1950 coins let me check here what the prize is here it's a prize of 300 and get beaten. let me check exactly we went to 1,300 and anything gave an Ultra an Ultra here on top. of the Fortune Pig right away best fixed then 40 rounds something else a lot important we have to.

Analyze that I'm going to continue here the. plays for you to see here, right? I wanted to explain. these lots here so it's a very good slot . complicated counting Anyway, then another thing. also before the 40 rounds we do not analyze the plan of these lots if it is retaining. if it is distributing why Because it is a slot she plays buying at random so. at any time Look I was just going to talk about this is a nail polish she plays with a random plan so. that's when she's paying guys she's there to give money Let's see how it's going to go here is the. skyper bonus look look how wonderful look how beautiful on top of a line like this one look let's. cover this thing here look 400 400 coins right away in Beth 5 just for you to pay attention now. this doesn't happen all the time no luck factor that happened here together Let's see.

We got a pig's canvas here, oh Pig Dourado we got a Corpo Dourado canvas of. ours there we've been doing it in the business taking some good money here we're going to take here it's already good money. on it We've started very well here Maravilha chinese lot we fill in here a quantity that. gives a lot of money beauty we have a few more moves here and a lucky moment right guys. this here wow if we gave a little to this blue dragon here we go for more than thousand coins. guys more than thousand coins your last round here 100 coins here in this bonus come on let's go. check here what's going on here slot well wow if there was a pig here oh if there was a protector we'd. make more than a thousand coins 725 coins multiplied for 20, just do the math there, right, 20. cents and I'm going to calculate the price of the coin. We're taking 145 euros here.

. that it. works a lot within this lineage one thing that is important that the signs of it is the following. when it starts to appear here the body here between channel one two and three saw people so. it is often a good sign that these stores now it can be at a time when a five of charge is paid,. i 'm fixed. .. at its first 40 rounds have not yet reached 40 rounds and after 40 rounds. we make a decision if we continue or not continue or if we make. Beth's change here, let's see she can with these lot since the physical casino many times. when we arrive at the physical casino to play at six lot here there is a big queue it is something. impressive look but a faze of Card is an impressive thing because people don't let go of. this slot I already arrived waiting three four hours to make a move At these times wait.

For the queue to empty to play in it because it is a slot that it also pulls like anyone. else when she's not about to pay anything if the player doesn't make a decision there they were an. easy bank in this slot here you understand but when she's about to pay I'll also tell you the truth and. she can repeat it there's nothing like talking here so no she gave a bonus now she paid well. so she won't pay well anymore it can happen that you get bonuses on top of bonuses. and it can happen that you get retention on top of retention she plays she runs very random. guys it's a lot random, you can't do that reading like we do nowadays. in our newest Slots, you know, so here it is to fix it after fixing it, leave for 10. rounds in other bets, right, then start doing it here a move 10 rounds a higher Beth plus 10.

Rounds in another best always in fixed mode I'll keep it fixed here a little longer just. for you to check here look something has already been here I'm here with a little money here still so. you can record this one video here opa opa opa opa it was a little more one needs five five sixths. he already opened good if he has six even better right Alright so let's fix it a little more here and for. you to see the type of play I'm doing nothing to lift nothing lets I just do it here up to 40. rounds I want to see it open 12.5 if it's good, let's go check it out here. I should withdraw because I have a gain But since I'm recording this video it's the first time. I I'm recording in this slot I'd like to leave this very nice explanation here for you who. suddenly come across this slot and don't know how it works Beauty beauty and for you to.

See it has a tendency to pull a lot you see it really has a tendency to pull a lot so its. normal for her but she also has a chance to pay a lot here and what was a down payment. there a gold entry right tell you the truth a really extraordinary entry just. check how much i have here beauty to give this explanation well I believe that here. we have already started for our 40 rounds I believe that I will just keep it a little longer here it is giving a. lot of blue dragon also this image here of this dragon this blue lion here is also a. very strong image of her beauty I think that she's going to open another bonus there she's going to give something more there. look Beauty has already recovered something let's see let's see let's do a few more rounds here. to be sure to see if suddenly it works with Beth fixed or not Best fix works.

I'm going to jump here oops I'm going to jump nowhere I'm going to stay. here quietly For the time being here because she's threatening a lot of basket over there oh a lot. of money bag of money here is the top 1000 let's go to the top and for you to check it's not a. slot as you say, it's like it's more of a lot of fruit that it doesn't have a head prize, just. that the highpaying lot table, right, unlike those fruit slots, right so I think it. pulls a lot I put the lucky mosquito here and it's flying here it must be so much luck. here for me because it's already flying here I try to get everything here from Cambodia for that look at. this figure which is 240 coins it goes going like this, she's making me this movement here. , let's go check if we caught one more moment of her beauty, it's giving a line.

40 40 coins, it's giving a line, we're going to stay here, just that she's giving a line, we're going to stay. here, let's go see what's coming here I think it has one more Bonus on the way. yet let's check here let's see if we got one more bonus on the way. here to show you the difference of this type of slot here i what it can happen. look there look another bonus along the way it's always like this so it's fixed it's a fixed game very fixed. So within this player a 2 and 50 can be done here but yes it can be done in a 1250 we. take a pig screen here guys gives much more that that man is an impressive thing. We took the intersection down pork here now it will be 240 coins if I took pork. on that side over there Wow, you had no idea about here, she can give optics make her stay here , there. was one more that makes her stay with more letters here, right? it's weak the side they stayed here what is she.

Going to do here yet let's see for us to finish the oil look look we couldn't give a pig. here people lined us in this business she makes all the lines so it's a very big difference between. these batches Let's see what happens, not much happened, okay, three rounds, we still. have 405 coins here. . of pork from there. , folks, it's a very big lining, it's really big, but it's really hard to punch. , I'm very happy to work the J here, okay, 420 coins gave us something else, here we have 1,200. something, I'll continue here with a few more rounds gave a Billy But a few rounds here. to see if we catch her good moment here she is like that so she plays very randomly she can. give one bonus after another she can suddenly from a bonus fall a sixth can give a pig screen. You can clean up all the money too, you know, specialist in cleaning money Of course, you understand And we're going.

To do a few more rounds here after 40 it can be done 10 10 see guys for those who. are going to play around here oh she can do a round A Play of 10 10 then let's do a. few more rounds here just for you I'm still fixed see guys I'm at Bet 5 not leaving bets 5. the fixed just for you to see that what I'm talking about I'm explaining to you here it makes. a lot of sense to play as a climber here I I've already played as a roster here I don't see a good result No I. see the best result I've ever had I've been a steady Fortune player for many years. now not the best results I've ever had I've always strengthened myself playing Best fi However. , it is a very good slot for launches, right? It's the players who are in my mentorship. . The player who is interested there. On the 5th, I start a new mentorship.

. it's a little more Wisdom knowledge. player preparation knowledge slot classification mining plan internal. structure external structure look how wonderful too good so guys let's finish this video here the. move of this type I'm going to bring more fortnite videos because it has a lot of type there 's just. not much of a move, guys, okay A big hug for you there Marcelo Lisboa and thanks

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