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Good morning beautiful people welcome. back to you leave everything and wonder. and welcome back to Sicily my name is. Luca this is my wife Sara and this. beautiful baby girl is our daughter. Lucha we are finally back to our. renovation our beautiful 1,000 yearold. house we can't wait to show you the. updates in the last episode we show. three properties here in this Village. and we are happy to announce that two. beautiful families will will join us. here to live here and to renovate the. house here so we are so happy that we. are able to help this community to grow. yeah especially with families that have. the same vision we have and uh are. willing to to create this uh this. community this little Paradise up here. in this Village in Sicily so it's. beautiful it's amazing it's our goal is. uh thank you to bring this Village back.

To life uh how it deserves today we need. to focus on our roof because we discover. a little leak on the roof will show you. everything and then the floor saga. continues hopefully it will end in. today's episode let's see guys fingers. crossed and then other updates about the. bathroom so let's see what we will be. able to accomplish this week let start. working and. yeah last week was pouring rain and we. discovered a little leak in the. kitchen we already saw and noticed this. when we bought the house. and we replaced the ceiling during. summer was not rain at all and we check. and everything seems to be dried at the. time but of course we knew that we have. to wait the rain to see how was the. situation the leak is very very small. but if you don't fix it right now then. the problem is that could be worse worse.

Worse worse worse and now that we are. facing winter we are facing rain it's. better to fix everything so Luca went up. to the roof and checked because the leak. is exactly where our property ends and. the property our neighbor starts where. they have the Terrace several times you. ask if the Terrace up here is belongs to. to our property no it's it's not our. property is the neighbors and luuka. discovered a little gap between the roof. tiles do you find. something yes potentially it could be. exactly here mhm where I'm standing is. all wet and there is the possibility for. the water to go inside we went to buy. some foam yeah to fill up the gaps and. some. materials we also got some uh old new uh. roof tiles from jpe and I can show. you this ancient roof. tiles I think they are. beautiful and then we have some.

Pon that is. made. for roof we have some liquid multi. gum guina this will seal everything. properly unfortunately my mom left guys. it's been an incredible help to have her. here with us and. now that we are. back like alone spending time with Lucha. and Luca can work and then we do the. opposite he spend time with Lucha and I. can work and of course we are a little. bit. slower because it's very rare that we. can work together L is having now one. nap a day she's not a huge sleeper so. when she sleeping 1 Hour 1 hour and a. half every day it's. enough little cat here will be a little. bit slower regarding renovation we are. also waiting for uh everything new for. the bathroom so this will take another. one week or two once we'll have. everything for the bathroom we can start. the the the. plumbing there some cats in here.

Yeah. and. somebody arrived home let's go and see. Lucha who is there we are finishing the. windows we are taking them apart for the. last time because we need to put the. glass on the two windows of the Salah. with Nia we have a special guest yes Nia. you remember. Master. we also consider it to put in another. window another layer uh made of aluminum. on the outside because here it's super. windy during winter and it rains so. putting the aluminum will be perfect. because it will not damage the wood it's. way way more delicate it needs more. attention compared to aluminium and it. also will insulate a lot because it will. be a double Blass window with the new. standards so we are considering that. yeah we will ask a quote today and let's. see for this side so for the living room. and the bedroom. also for the bedroom so we have a double.

Glass outside that we can use during. winter time so while we are waiting guys. I would like to show you the floor Saga. we ask the company to come here and to. check the floor in the. kitchen let's see how it went good. morning guys and we are back in our. kitchen I don't know if you remember our. floor um now we are waiting for a. company they will come they will try to. clean this we think that it's not cot. it's Chena so it's chimo it's the same. type of tiles we have in the living room. but without decorations and it's a. different uh kind of tiles and we think. that this were the original ties of the. entire. house okay guys today is the big day. professional. team is here in our house to clean the. kitchen floor and then to clean also the. rest of the house it's not possible to. stand the flooring the tiles we have in.

In the kitchen because they are Chen. what they are doing is the same job. luuka and I did like few weeks ago but. they are using a stronger solvent so not. acetone not acetone another one they. will first clean the GR away and then. they will use a machine to clean. properly. everything. PTO Papa. hello so guys this is the result after. the. cleaning ah this is the best they could. do now they clean also the. house with the tool with the machine and. actually now the. floor seems to. be less clean than before i''s say like. this if you watch from here you can can. see that it's kind of. Dusty you can see some dust on. it they told me that it's normal I hope. that it's. normal I need to trust them because this. is their job. um and then they will come now we have. to wait we have to clean again with some. water and then we have to wait one day.

We will apply and a product in the. kitchen by ourselves that is against the. spots you know will kind of protect the. floor then they will come in a few days. and walk the the floor a little bit so. hopefully this dust effect will go away. and we will have the floor clean and and. nice we are cleaning away all the. dust watching away. Pap. cing. cing where are the. cats. H up. there you want to go and see them yeah. one coat is. done. the. thing so you can notice very well that. there are three. different types of tiles one here. they're. newer then in the middle and then we. have a different color over there like. gray. fantastic they are polishing. the floor of the entire house this will. be the last step we will not talk about. the floor anymore so the result in the. kitchen is not the best. one but we'll keep the floor as it is at.

Least it's. it's it's clean now and it's it's. polished so in our mind was something. different but we cannot. do better than this so it's it's it's. the best we can do. but the floor in the living room is just. spectacular it's to die for now that. it's this wet effect with this mirror. effect it's just beautiful and you can. see even more the the how the colors are. vivid. luch what do you think do you like. it it's. shiny do thing here it's. beautiful what is Daddy. doing. now we can eat on the floor guys so. clean. finally so I was saying that the result. here is. beautiful in the kitchen it is what it. is here but I think that when we will. start having things in the the kitchen. Everything Will. Change we can say a floor with some. history very. okay. Luka what's going. on you painted too much too. much and now it's not fitting.

Anymore. our neighbor Karina she's the best she. cooks for us always best no ever. up okay so what do we have here these. are fried EG PLS but they are filled. with. something so ham and. cheese wow this is for for Luca's. birthday. M little break between the windows and. the roof yes so the 3rd of October is my. birthday yeah 35 years old you have a. old daddy old daddy no no but your first. birthday will be on the 24th of October. this year 24th of October will be my. first. year this is the. roof. Seaside this the. roof road side today we'll be working on. this. side so what I. believe is that uh now I un cover here. and uh. I saw there is a. gap down here I'll show you on on this. side maybe it's. better there is all this. Gap you can see it's just wood down. there and uh the slope is going a little. bit on that direction meaning that.

Water can go in there and go inside you. can see there's the wood basically. underneath so we need to fill up all. this Gap with some foam so the water. will not go in there the water will go. down. outside it it has not to go in there. otherwise that's why the leaking goes in. there. m they're. eating they. food what do you say to the cats. Lucha you guys sit down where no. come. she's the Thirsty. yeah she's drinking some water Aqua aqua. water yeah. Lucha will help you from here. right. um okay. done it's all sealed up there I put all. the tiles. back and now I'm super tired we'll catch. you tomorrow for today I'm done I'm done. working on the roof the roof is done the. windows have the glass now and tomorrow. we have to work on the bathroom and to. be reive the mattress and also the bed. we will see you. tomorrow PE.

Good. night luch. Papa good morning guys good morning good. morning beautiful family we fed all the. cats yeah and now had the cats the. little kitties of the little town and. now now we're going home because. yesterday our bed. arrived. mama. mama we. received the bed frame and the mattress. so our bed will be without the headboard. we decided to go very simple we decided. to invest more money into the mattress. especially for Lucas's back problems the. living room and the bedroom are pretty. big room so 25 square m and we decided. to put the bed for now in this corner. because I'm still breastfeeding luch and. for me having her. in the bed it's kind of comfortable. during the night Lucha will also have. the same bed that we have at luy land. the montor floor bed let's set up the. GoPro and then let's start assemble the.

Bed you want to help mommy and. daddy you want to film to. Vlog okay thank. you you Vlog. okay okay let's do. this. well done what do you. think I can wait win with the mantras on. so guys we ordered this new because we. couldn't find anything 2 m and 2 m so. big and in the future we will place the. bed here here in the Italy 2 m by 2 m. is doesn't exist you have to ask for. it's not standard size. no what do you think it's big. enough fits perfectly yes we have a. beautiful view. every. morning this will be our. view what do you think. guys. pillows. pillows. Bo boom I'm. on it's getting big big big big big big. big. the bed is assembled the. mattress is here it's beautiful we love. the size we love the style we are about. to start our first harvesting season to. produce the first time our organic extra. virgin olive oil so a few days ago we.

Cleaned we cleaned with the help of our. neighbors Kina and Nuno thank you guys. we clean the tank for the olive. oil. l so we are with new. and we. are washing and cleaning the the tank. for the olive oil see soda uh. soda so really hot water and. soda. clean like. new. another. one. where. mhm wow that's orange and. yellow another one they were so dirty. they were s sitting there in the garage. but now with the Nuno Catarina they look. like. new and we are so happy about it because. actually we we start using it this. season wow they clean Santi this is uh. 400 L okay and it's the right size to. get with your. hand to the bottom this one is 500 and. you cannot reach the bottom so it's it's. more difficult to clean this afternoon. we'll go to the the land to our land yes. and see how the olive trees are doing. how the olives are growing if they're.

Healthy or we need to check on them and. see when we will be able to start. harvesting. yes our beautiful Olive grow out. land here in. Sicily today is an amazing beautiful day. sunny it's not windy it's warm the. temperature is perfect and we have I. would say at least 6 or 7 degrees more. than in the village in our. house cuz here we are closer to the Sea. of course now we have to check some. olive trees to see how the olives are. doing if we will be ready to start the. Harvest next week or in 10. days we have our little helper. Lucha here the big Maestro. Luca and here our land so peaceful here. we came here to C because we want a. place like this and then the project of. the house is taking over of course. because the renovation you know it's. it's demanding. but our dream is to come and to be here. and live here on the land will take a.

Few years before. we we will get all the permission to. build and to to build the house uh. that's why we choose to to buy the. property the house in the village. because uh it was faster yeah yeah it's. faster you already have water you. already have sewage you already have. electricity everything is already there. so it's so easy over there yeah compared. to building on Homestead and starting. from zero not from zero because here we. have like this very ancient old. trees that are an incredible. treasure but we have to take care of. them give them some love okay so so. let's go around let's see some olives uh. we'll show you the the olives how they. are now let's see if we will also be. able to get down with the car somewhere. some way or if we will need to buy a ATV. or something uh to get down there and. then to carry the olives up there okay.

Cuz for my back it's it would be. terrible be too. heavy oh you already have some olives in. your hands let me. see no matter they bitter now. wow. beautiful look at these hes. guys getting. emotional. see no no no no don't eat that it's not. ready to be eaten okay wow small a small. tree but a full slaugh. loaded tree number. 18 this is. exciting this this is. loaded. better. bu. perfecto. and yesterday we came back very late. from our Olive grow so we decided to. postpone the the job in the bathroom. next week guys but we are very happy. what we accomplished this week the floor. is is done the windows are. done the roof is fixed the bed is. installed assembled and it's ready to be. used the Alles are. ready so we hope you enjoy today's. episode guys if so please show it to us. smashing the Thumbs Up Button hit the. notification Bell and please consider.

subscribing to this YouTube channel if. you haven't not already we love you we. appreciate you thank you for coming. along with us and stay with us because. the renovation continues. yes if next week we can get the material. for the electric we can start doing that. we're still waiting for the BC and the. bday and the things see and also on the. Olive Grove we have a lot of things to. do so come we need to to work also on. the olive Gro yes but I'm super excited. that we finished the flooring. Saga. we will see you next Sunday and remember. laella life is beautiful and love always. wins. spe. fore. boy boy. good. boy can you say bambula Bamba can you. say. Angela can you say dog dog can you say. cat can you say. Angela can you say mama. mom. can you say no no can you say. n can you say. kiss can you you say yes. yeah

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